Saturday, September 8, 2012

Minnie Mouse

"With a growing sense of dread Elizabeth thought "Darcy is right - this hair-do does say 'mouse'."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Audrey on Fashion (capital F)

"Hmm, what?! Ah no, I don't think people wear skivvy's to like, hide weak chins. I mean it's, like, a fashion forward look. You know? On trend, well on-forward trend for, like, when it is cool. Not that I will wear it, like, then because, like, that would be too, um, ah mainstream. You know?!..." 

Don't mess with Glenda

"The combination of Lego hair and poker face made Glenda a formidable boss"

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Nestled in lots of different visual art diaries are cartoons with wee quips that seem to pop into my head as I am drawing.  I have grandish plans to put them all together and make something (along the lines of a book or series of postcards as opposed to a quilt or frock). Anyways, best laid plans and all that... in the meantime whilst procrastinating ahem I mean organising my thoughts I figured I'd put them on here for anyone who stumbles by to see. Enjoy XX

"Being a beautiful pouty girl is actually quite tiring thought Belinda"

Geometrical goodness